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How to prepare for your business photoshoot
Resources Meg Hodson Resources Meg Hodson

How to prepare for your business photoshoot

This is the perfect guide to prepare you and your team for a business photoshoot - whether you’re having a new website developed or you’re looking to update or replace your library of imagery.

Preparing properly for the photoshoot will mean you and your team will get the most out of it and everyone will feel more confident - especially business leaders.

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Humanise your brand & connect with your audience - 2020 update

Humanise your brand & connect with your audience - 2020 update

We believe one of the most important things for any brand to be is 'real'. How do you do that? Through content marketing that shows off your greatest asset - your team - and speaks directly to customers. Use our 5 key points to help you humanise your brand & connect with your audience.

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The burningred content marketing strategy commandments

The burningred content marketing strategy commandments

We eat, sleep and breathe content and all things to do with content marketing (honestly, we do!). We decided it was high time to draw on our collective (and individual) experience of producing content of all shapes and sizes and discuss what we feel are the key ingredients required to cook up a sizzling content marketing strategy.

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